Garys 6th trip to the USA... just a few pictures for now. More soon
Lights of Remembrance
Girl signing the vantage point to Ground Zero
Building covered in netting next to GZ, damaged by WTC collapse North
entrance to GZ site
Memorial alongside GZ vantage point Back
of Atrium building from GZ vantage point
Damaged buildings and South end of GZ from vantage point North
end of GZ from vantage point
Battery Park City
Along the Hudson
NJ City University
Brooklyn Bridge from Lower Eastside
Structure of Brooklyn Bridge tower
Looking across a street in Chinatown from Manhattan Bridge walkway
View across the roofs of Chinatown from Manhattan Bridge
View South of Lower East Side from Manhattan Bridge
Weird reflection on a building in Battery Park City
Entrance to the footpath over Manhattan Bridge
Manhattan Bridge from Lower East Side
Domino players enjoying the sun in Chinatown park